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Setting Up Packages

Posted By : Gary Simon Date Created : May 22nd, 2012 Date Updated : May 16th, 2023

Obstacle Course with Slide IIIHave you ever thought about adding packages to your inflatable jumper business? It is a common misconception that once you start your business, you need only to maintain it by advertising, connecting through social media, and following through with orders. While you certainly could do the simple things, it will not help your business to grow. In order for your business to truly grow, you need to be constantly thinking of ways to be more appealing to your customers, and one way to do this is to create packages.

On Packages

What makes packages so special, and why would you need to have packages when you run an inflatable jumper business? In the business of renting out moonwalks, most people assume that you contact the company, select a bounce house, order one, and that is all there is to it. While certainly can be as simple as this, offering packages to your clients gives them the ability to utilize everything that your company has to offer.

Let’s talk about a birthday party package. It’s no secret that well-meaning mother’s and father’s tend to be the bread and butter for any inflatable jumper business, so why not offer them some sort of a great deal? Allow them the opportunity to order one moonwalk, or to order more for a discount. One idea for a birthday package might include having one moonwalk for one price, and adding on a second moonwalk at a deeply discounted rate. How does this help your business? If you have a number of different bounce houses at your disposal, chances are fairly good that at least a few of them will not be booked on weekends. While you could simply allow the bounce houses to sit there and stay folded up, being able to earn a little bit of money by renting out the second house at a discounted rate allows you to earn some income rather than none.

There are a number of different ways that you can earn money while, at the same time, offering your clients something that they can’t get anywhere else. If you are having a difficult time coming up with package ideas, as some of your best clients if they have any suggestions for you. You may be surprised at the ideas and packages that they come up with!


Article Name
Setting Up Packages
What makes packages so special, and why would you need to have packages when you run an inflatable jumper business? In the business of renting out moonwalks, most people assume that you contact the company, select a bounce house, order one, and that is all there is to it.
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